Most of us are aware of the obvious ways you can save on your auto insurance. Bundling your home and auto insurance together will usually net you a savings. So will having a good driving record. You can increase your deductible, since having a higher deductible will result in a lower premium. And of course, reviewing your policy on a yearly basis with your insurance professional at Nicholas / Tobin Insurance will help you make sure you have the lowest rate possible.
But there are other less obvious ways that will allow you to save on your auto insurance too! Let’s talk about some of these.
Work on your credit rating.
Insurance companies use your credit rating to assess your risk of an accident and subsequently filing a claim. Studies have shown that the lower your credit rating, the more likely you are to be involved in an accident, resulting in a claim. Your policy pricing will reflect that. There are a few states that don’t allow the use of credit scores in determining pricing, but unfortunately, Connecticut is not one of them. This article may help you if you need some tips to improve your credit score.
Let your insurer know if you recently got married.
You could be eligible for a discount! Those that are married tend to have better driving records than single people, so they are considered less of a risk. Married couples with good driving track records can combine their accounts for savings. The key word here is good driving track records. If one of you has a not-so-great driving record, it may make more sense to keep your individual accounts. Check with your insurance professional at Nicholas / Tobin Insurance to see if you are eligible for savings.
Take a driver’s education class.
Driver’s education isn’t just for new drivers. Many insurers will reward older drivers with discounts for defensive driving or other car control classes. Ask your insurance professional at Nicholas / Tobin Insurance if your insurer has these types of discounts available.
Tell your insurer what you do for a living.
A few of the jobs that may net you a discount on your auto insurance are architect, engineer, scientist, accountant, firefighter, police officer, doctor, dentist, nurse, librarian, college professor and teacher. Insurers know that people in certain careers are less likely to file claims. The reasons for this are diverse. Those that work in certain fields tend to take less risks, like pilots and scientists. First responders are often driving work vehicles rather than their own. Still others work in the community that they live in and simply drive less. In some cases, it’s a combination of these. It’s worth checking with your insurer to see if your occupation makes you eligible for a discount.
Drive less.
We’re not suggesting you never leave your house. But if you are retired or work from home, even in a hybrid situation where you work from home part of the time, you may be able to get an auto insurance discount. The same thing goes for if you work in the same community you live in. If you’re a low mileage driver, you’re on the road less, and you’re less likely to file a claim. Insurers know this and may give you a discount on your rate.
Consider the type of car you purchase.
If you are in the market for a new car, the type of car you purchase affects your insurance rates. Certain types of cars are more likely to be stolen, or have parts stolen from them, such as catalytic converters. Safety features, as well as the cost to fix, also impact your insurance rates. Find the least expensive cars to insure in 2023.
Where you park your car matters.
Parking in a residential area or a secured place, such as a garage, is generally considered safer with less likelihood for theft or damage.
Don’t forget about your professional organization memberships.
If you belong to a professional organization, or an alumni association, fraternity or sorority, you may be eligible for a discount with your insurer.
If you think one of these could help you save on your auto insurance, please contact your insurance professional at Nicholas / Tobin Insurance. We pride ourselves on making sure your policy is meets your needs at the best price possible!
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Nicholas / Tobin Insurance, located in New Milford, Connecticut, provides its clients the highest quality insurance products and services available today to protect them, their families, and businesses. We offer homeowners insurance, renter’s insurance, car insurance, business insurance, travel insurance and more! Our commitment to service means our team of licensed insurance professionals is here to help with simple policy questions, consult with you to determine appropriate coverages and be available 24/7 when trouble strikes, and you need assistance managing through the claim process.