Homeowners Insurance

Whether your home has all the bells and whistles or just the bare essentials, we can prepare the right insurance coverage to fit your style and budget. At Nicholas / Tobin Insurance, we know your greatest investment requires the best protection. But, so often policies don’t offer enough protection and surprise people after a loss. If disaster strikes, you’ll need the right coverage to help you repair, rebuild or replace your home as it was in its original state. Knowing what you’re paying for couldn’t be more important – small upgrades to your coverage could keep you from having to drain your savings to pay a large claim.
Our team can educate you and design a policy that protects you and your family against damage to your property or claims from those injured on your property.

Standard Homeowners Insurance Protection

Did You Know?

Most insurance providers don’t just sell one type of Homeowners Policy. Often an insurance carrier will have multiple levels of homeowners policies to satisfy a range of client needs. At Nicholas / Tobin, we’ll guide you through the basic coverage options and explore enhancements if necessary until you have just the mix to match your goals. It’s a little bit like building a house – you start with a basic plan and then add on as needed. Understanding budget is always a concern, you should know that increasing your homeowners liability from $300,000 to $500,000 could cost as little as $10 to $15. Better coverage doesn’t mean you’ll exceed your budget.

Antique & Historic Homes

Over the past several hundred years and continuing today, home building techniques continue to evolve. Yet it is older homes where we in the insurance industry find some of the biggest challenges. Determining how much money a homeowner needs to rebuild or repair their home really takes skill and knowledge. Find more information on homeowner’s insurance for antique and historic homes here.

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